Mutiara Kata

Dengan nama Allah Yang Maha Pengasih...

Ya Tuhan,
Jika cinta adalah ketertawanan,
Tawanlah aku dengan cinta kepada-Mu,
Agar tiada lagi yang dapat menawanku...

Ya Tuhan,
Jika rindu adalah rasa sakit,
Yang tidak menemukan muaranya,
Penuhilah rasa sakitku
dengan rindu kepada-Mu,
dan jadikanlah kematianku sebagai muara
pertemuan dengan-Mu....

Ya Tuhan,
Hatiku hanya cukup untuk satu cinta,
Jika aku tidak dapat mengisinya dengan cinta kepada-Mu,
Kemanakah wajahku hendak kusembunyikan dari-Mu..........

Monday, June 11, 2007


Assalamualaikum w.b.t. dan salam sejahtera.

Dimulakan kalam saya dengan salam yang dianjurkan oleh agama Islam, satu-satunya agama di sisi Allah. ' Sesungguhnya agama di sisi Allah ialah Islam '. Segala puji-pujian dan syukur kepada Allah, tuhan yang Maha Esa yang telah menciptakan alam ini dengan segala hikmah yang tidak terjangkau dan terfikir oleh akal kita yang hanyalah hamba-Nya. Juga selawat dan salam ke atas junjungan besar kita, Nabi Muhammad s.w.t yang telah bersusah payah menyebarkan agama An-Nur ke serata pelosok Tanah Arab sehingga dapat mencium ke Nusantara.

Today, i feel very difference. It's like i have been reborn once again. Fresh and all good. Breaking fast just now made me realise just how much fasting effects our daily life. I became more alert with my 'ibadah to Allah and reciting Al-Qur'an while fasting was like the best kalam i could speak out in my life.

While reading at my friends' blogs, i have come to realise at how much i have been reading during this long break. Really, there's no one book or novel that i really finished and tadabbur. Shamely speaking, even Al-Qur'an is seldomly opened in front of me even after shalat. Today, i streghtened my self and finished first novels that i like : detective stories. Well, alhamdulillah, today i finished ' The Case-Book Of Sherlock Holmes : The Illustrious Client' by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Truly a great masterpiece and the true predecessor of a long line of amateur detectives elevetad criminal investigation to a fine art.

While reading, i played the Surah As-Sajdah recites by Abdul Rahman Sudais on my laptop. I said to myself, " well man, you have to be more used to recite this surah for maybe or surely will be appointed to recite this on friday at my soon-to-go college". My legs shaken at the picture of leading a jamaah of shalat which are all new people that have many characteristics that surely are not from the same background as i get. Sincerely, listening to Al-Qur'an reciting today really soothed my mind and stomach. =) In no time, i slept peacefully ( not forever that is ).

Erm,,, today also, i was busy with my new-born blog. added this and that. That's why i was feeling very tired during evening. Waking up from my slumber by the noise of my lil sis, i did asar prayer ( prayer = shalat ? ). That's when i truly felt fresh and rejuvanate.

What I can say is today is like i am living in a new body. All this blogging makes me want to search for more and more knowledge, and the more i knew, the more i want to know. Well, thanks to certain someone who encouraged me to make a blog for myself. I really appreciate it until now.

I think that's all i can say for now. Till we meet again at another Muhasabah and Tazkirah. Till then, chill out and alaways remember Allah.

Assalamualaikum w.b.t.

Signing out,
[Watanuki Kimihiro]

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